Tag Archive for: Gender Studies

Lou Andreas-Salomé – Interactive Storytelling

Extraordinary find at the Hackathon Coding Gender: the mobile phone of Lou Andreas-Salomé! She was smart, popular and incredibly well-connected, the psychoanalyst and writer Lou Andreas-Salomé; a true influencer of her time. But in the black and white pictures we can see of her today, she seems rather aloof, withdrawn and serious. Andreas-Salomé wrote numerous […]

Frawenzimmer. The new magazine!

The project “Frawenzimmer” was created as part of the Hackathon Coding Gender. It takes up the current genre of women’s and gossip magazines and combines it with historical sources from the digitised collections of the Berlin State Library. A large part of the topics and discourses currently under discussion have a long tradition! The tone […]

Beitragsbild Beruf-O-Mat

Beruf-O-Mat. Find your former self