Projects and Prototypes
Applications and projects that use data from Berlin State Library
Welcome to the Stabi Lab demo area. Here we would like to present innovative applications, projects and prototypes that use or make accessible our data. Please note that some of these applications are created and maintained by third parties and are only available on external websites.
If you are using our data or services yourself – or intend to do so in the future –, please feel free to get in touch with us. We are happy to include a link to your work here.

Benimm-Dich-Bot (Behave-bot)
The historical Twitter bot “Benimm Dich, Du Frauenzimmer!”…

Berliner Schlagzeilen (aka “Berlin Headlines”)
The bot "Berliner Schlagzeilen" twitters the headlines and a picture of the title page of the respective issue from 100 years ago on a daily basis.

Frawenzimmer. The new magazine!
The project "Frawenzimmer" was created as part of the Hackathon…

Historical Memes For German Teens
This project was developed during the hackathon Coding Precarity…

Housing Shortage Tetris
This project was developed during the hackathon Coding Precarity…

Lou Andreas-Salomé – Interactive Storytelling
Extraordinary find at the Hackathon Coding Gender: the mobile…

Memory of the Precariat
This project was developed during the hackathon Coding Precarity…

Precarious Spaces
This project was developed during the hackathon Coding Precarity…

Projects Hackathon Coding Gender 2019
In the summer of 2019 the hackathon „Coding Gender – Women…

Projects Hackathon Coding Precarity 2020
In September 2020 the hackathon „Coding Precarity – Social…

Save the Gamebooks
Project description
The Berlin State Library has systematically…

A proof of concept for Digital Humanities researchers - automatically enriched with metadata derived from various algorithms, including content-based image functions.

A visualization of concepts that change over time in digitized newspapers from the years 1882 to 1902 from the holdings of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.

Weibsbilder. World Wide Women.
How can role models be represented? What relationships exist…

A Digital Scholar’s Lab
From May 4 to June 21, the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and the…

Altpapier (aka “used paper”)
The app Altpapier brings some of the most exciting and curious newspaper reports of the early 20th century to smartphones.

Benimm-Dich-Bot (Behave-bot)
The historical Twitter bot “Benimm Dich, Du Frauenzimmer!”…

Berliner Schlagzeilen (aka “Berlin Headlines”)
The bot "Berliner Schlagzeilen" twitters the headlines and a picture of the title page of the respective issue from 100 years ago on a daily basis.

Bibliographic Data from StaBiKat
Our online catalogue StaBiKat includes the metadata…

Blauer Salon – Workshop-Meeting for RSE and Digital Projects
The Blauer Salon, a joint event organized by the IZ Digitalität…

Digitised Collections
The Digitised Collections present over 150,000 digitised objects from SBB's collection. Metadata, images and often also full texts are available via our interfaces (APIs).

Faithful Transcriptions
A digital crowd sourcing project for medieval theological manuscripts

Frawenzimmer. The new magazine!
The project "Frawenzimmer" was created as part of the Hackathon…

Historical Memes For German Teens
This project was developed during the hackathon Coding Precarity…

Housing Shortage Tetris
This project was developed during the hackathon Coding Precarity…

Kalliope Union Catalog
Kalliope is the national union catalog for bequests, autographs and publishing archives. The data can be retrieved via an SRU interface.

Keynote Lecture: The Politics of the Library
We are happy to announce the keynote lecture "The Politics of…

Lou Andreas-Salomé – Interactive Storytelling
Extraordinary find at the Hackathon Coding Gender: the mobile…

Memory of the Precariat
This project was developed during the hackathon Coding Precarity…

New Article on Crowdsourcing for Cultural Heritage Data published
Stabi Lab is a collaborative space offering users opportunities…

OAI interface request, response, and data download with R
This tutorial provides examples of queries of the OAI interface…

Precarious Spaces
This project was developed during the hackathon Coding Precarity…

Projects Hackathon Coding Gender 2019
In the summer of 2019 the hackathon „Coding Gender – Women…

Projects Hackathon Coding Precarity 2020
In September 2020 the hackathon „Coding Precarity – Social…

Save the Gamebooks
Project description
The Berlin State Library has systematically…

A proof of concept for Digital Humanities researchers - automatically enriched with metadata derived from various algorithms, including content-based image functions.

A visualization of concepts that change over time in digitized newspapers from the years 1882 to 1902 from the holdings of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.

Weibsbilder. World Wide Women.
How can role models be represented? What relationships exist…

The ZEitungsinFormationssYStem ZEFYS currently contains a total of 276,015 issues of 193 historical newspapers from Germany and German-language newspapers from abroad. Metadata, images and often also full texts are available via our interfaces (APIs).

The Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB), which is jointly maintained…