Tag Archive for: 20th Century

Precarious Spaces

This project was developed during the hackathon Coding Precarity and was awarded by the jury in the category “Most Educational”.   Concept The digital exhibition “Precarious Spaces”, created during the hackathon “Coding Precarity” at the Berlin State Library, focuses on street as a public space in which precarity is debated and performed. Those who live […]

Topic data sets – Hackathon Coding Precarity

Data sets for historical events

Benimm-Dich-Bot (Behave-bot)

The historical Twitter bot “Benimm Dich, Du Frauenzimmer!” (“Behave, woman!”) has advice for every life situation! The Benimm-Dich-Bot gives advice for small and big problems in the life of modern women*: But beware, it should be used with caution. Its role models date back to the 19th century and its credo is “Behave, woman! The […]

Lou Andreas-Salomé – Interactive Storytelling

Extraordinary find at the Hackathon Coding Gender: the mobile phone of Lou Andreas-Salomé! She was smart, popular and incredibly well-connected, the psychoanalyst and writer Lou Andreas-Salomé; a true influencer of her time. But in the black and white pictures we can see of her today, she seems rather aloof, withdrawn and serious. Andreas-Salomé wrote numerous […]

Beitragsbild Beruf-O-Mat

Beruf-O-Mat. Find your former self

Weibsbilder. World Wide Women.

How can role models be represented? What relationships exist between specific role attributions, the activities performed and the source genres? Are there congruences between specific roles and source genres? These questions were answered by the team “Weibsbilder. World Wide Women” in the Hackathon Coding Gender. Based on the data sets Picturing Gender, Dolls Kitchens and […]

Topic data sets – Hackathon Coding Gender

Special data sets – prints


The ZEitungsinFormationssYStem ZEFYS currently contains a total of 276,015 issues of 193 historical newspapers from Germany and German-language newspapers from abroad. Metadata, images and often also full texts are available via our interfaces (APIs).