A proof of concept for Digital Humanities researchers – automatically enriched with metadata derived from various algorithms, including content-based image functions.
A proof of concept for Digital Humanities researchers – automatically enriched with metadata derived from various algorithms, including content-based image functions.
Kalliope is the national union catalog for bequests, autographs and publishing archives. The data can be retrieved via an SRU interface.
A visualization of concepts that change over time in digitized newspapers from the years 1882 to 1902 from the holdings of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
The bot “Berliner Schlagzeilen” twitters the headlines and a picture of the title page of the respective issue from 100 years ago on a daily basis.
The Digitised Collections present over 150,000 digitised objects from SBB’s collection. Metadata, images and often also full texts are available via our interfaces (APIs).